Devotional Series

10 devotions, each 10-20min.

Looking for a quick devotional to listen to? Join Pastor Don in a series of 10 topical devotions.

What are you harvesting? We all find ourselves in a season, but the question is how are we responding? Who are you impacting? Let's dive into a common theme ...
The question isn't "if" you're passing something on to someone, the question is "what"...
We are all created to worship, but the question is what are we worshiping?
In hard times we have an opportunity for our faith to grow. Like a butterfly In a cocoon, or like gold being heated to remove impurities we all have seasons ...
Life is short. Its even shorter when we don't stop and take a look at where we are headed. In this episode we are going to discuss what it looks like to be e...
When we are not moving we are drifting. In times of confusion, and fear there are questions and doubts everywhere. What does this look like for us as we move...
Trusting in God is something we have all had a hard time with to one extent or another. We know He loves us, we know he is good, but to trust Him with everyt...
God wants so much for you. He loves you so much, and sometimes we need to stop and check what path we are on. Is it one that leads to great things, or is it ...