Tokyo Rose Whispers in Your Ear


During World War II, American GI's stationed in the Pacific were living and fighting in strange and inhospitable conditions.  Dense jungle foliage, thick muggy air and the ever present hum of insects with a taste for blood were the backdrop of their lives as they fought bloody battles against a brutal enemy.  With an average age of 26 years old, these American soldiers had left girlfriends, wives and new families behind.  Careers, just begun, were abandoned as they were sent thousands of miles away and placed in harms way.  There, lonely, homesick and longing for something familiar, they gathered in groups around a radio and searched the dial for sounds reminiscent of the life they had left at home.  And they found them, for deep within the South Pacific, their hungry ears were treated to the sound of American music.  Song after song would crackle from the radio, taking them back, in their minds, to the warm embrace of home, the voices of their loved ones filling their thoughts. But then... Another voice began to speak.  This lovely, lilting female voice began to make suggestive comments about what their wives and girlfriends were doing back home without them. She referred to the GI's as the "Orphans of the Pacific" and lamented the tragedy of their plight.  While they were valiantly fighting, she told them,  those men too scared to fight were at home taking their women, their jobs, their futures.   Furthermore, this seductress even seemed to know the locations of key American ships and troops.  This temptress urged them to abandon the lost cause.  The GI's named this voice Tokyo Rose.

Over the years, I have seen men abandon the brides of their youth for a momentary affair.  I have seen women run off with a co-worker, leaving their families adrift and broken.  I have witnessed children turn to drugs and alcohol to escape the harsh realities of life.  I have seen ministers caught in financial immorality. 
 I have also seen people leave the church and their faith over the pain delivered upon them by other people.  I have seen marriages crumble and the participants abandon their faith, angry at God.  I have watched as people have slowly slipped into bitterness and rage over the tragedies in their lives. All of these scenarios, seemingly so different, had a common thread.  They believed the lies.

Those individuals who made decisions which led to relational tragedy believed the lie that they should focus upon themselves, their needs, their wants, their desires, their happiness. Those who abandoned the faith did not believe that God could bring about healing, thereby believing the lie that He doesn't care.  What they did not believe was the truth.  And what is the Truth?

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."-John 10:10...The truth is, Christ offers a life of blessings greater than your petty desires could ever deliver...

"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope".- Jeremiah 29:11.. You see,  God does care.  He cares intimately about your life and has plans to bring prosperity into it despite the wounds which this world delivers..

Yet even as I write this, I am struck by my own inadequacies,  the mistakes I have made.  A voice, much like Tokyo Rose crackling from that radio, assails me with doubts. It vies for my attention as the enemy of my soul conspires with my flesh to undermine my determination to hold true to Gods promises.  Does He love me?  Will He bless me?  Can I trust Him when all seems lost?  The seductress in my ear tells me no.  She whispers that He has left me.  But is that the truth?  As it turns out, Tokyo Rose had no real information about troops or ships.  She was the desperate brainchild of an enemy who knew the power of the force it faced.  And so it is with the father of lies.  As he whispers falsehoods into our ears, tempting and seducing, the greatest weapon we have is the truth....

And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. 13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.- Revelation 19:11-13

We win.....


Caden and the Cross


What’s Wrong With Being So Right?