We release sermons online every week to be watched on your own time if you missed the Sunday morning 9am service at Sweet Home Rio Theatre. You can find those videos here.

“Matthew: “Forgiveness:The Problem Pt. 1” 10.20.24

Pastor Don Knight begins an extensive look at Forgiveness from the Lord's Prayer in Matthew. Forgiveness is foundational to our faith. What is the problem we often overlook?

“Matthew: “His Heart. His Will.” 10.06.24

To truly know the will of God, you must posses the Heart of God.... "His Heart. His Will", now on LifePoint.

“Matthew: “Hallowing” 09.29.24

The ultimate goal of the Christian Life, from which all else flows, is to know God more fully. Join Pastor Don now, for a three part in-depth look at the Lord's Prayer..... "Hallowing", on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: Choose Carefully” 09.15.24

We all need to be very careful about the rewards we seek.... because the reward you seek will be the reward you receive.... Discover why?.... "Choose Carefully", on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: The Extra Mile” 09.08.24

Jesus spoke of some revolutionary things in His Sermon on the Mount on what citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven should look like. So revolutionary that the Jewish leaders wanted Him dead. We join in as He talks about an eye for an eye, giving someone your tunic and cloak, loving and praying for your enemies and going the extra mile. Find out why this was so revolutionary I'm Jesus' time and why it's so important in ours.... "The Extra Mile", coming up on the next LifePoint, right now....

“Matthew: Words of Evil Origin” 09.01.24

The words we use are rooted in the source of our identity..... From the book of Matthew, "Words of Evil Origin, on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: His Standard… His Grace” 08.04.24

Our study of Jesus's Sermon On The Mount continues from Matthew, with a look at Jesus's teaching concerning leaving your offering at the alter and be reconciled with your brother first. The health of your relationships is the greatest indicator of the health of your relationship with God.... Now, "His Standard.... His Grace, on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: To Fulfill… Not Abolish” 07.28.24

The Law, while perfect, was incomplete, leaving a gap in the story of God's effort to reconcile man to Himself. Take a look at The Law in the light of the person of Jesus Christ and His fulfillment...."To Fulfill...Not Abolish", on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: Salt and Light-A Calling” 07.21.24

We continue in Jesus Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Matthew. The beautiful Gospel story is much more than "Jesus died for me so we can all go to Heaven". How and why has it been reduced and prevented from times of old, to today? Jesus commands us all to be "Salt of the Earth". A look at what He meant and how we should apply this salty calling to our lives.... Now, Salt and Light- A Calling, on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: Our Evident Attitudes” 07.14.24

The very things that define success in the kingdom of man will make it difficult to enter The Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus and His Sermon on the Mount. God's description of what the true path of freedom looks like.... "Our Evident Attitudes", from the Book of Matthew, on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: The Only Rational Answer” 07.07.24

"Yes....The Only Rational Answer", from Matthew 4.

“Matthew: The Dawning Light” 06.23.24

The people will never be truly effective until their greatest allegiance is to the Kingdom of God. How John the Baptist life is a reflection of the path of God. The Dawning Light, on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: The Temptation of Elevation” 06.09.24

In the moment of your failure, The Enemy celebrates.... But God awaits. As we continue in our look at how The Enemy tempted Jesus. We look at the Second Temptation and how Jesus handled it. What did He do? What is God looking for when temptation strikes us? We are all tempted and how can we change our perspective? Join us for a life changing look at Jesus's second temptation.... "The Temptation of Elevation" , from the book of Matthew, on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: Jesus…New Israel” 06.02.24

Jesus picks up the vocation which Israel had abandoned in disobedience. See the amazing tie-ins behind it from Old Testament.... Plus, Jesus sent by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Today, we look at the first temptation, "the lust of the flesh" and the significance it brings to us. Now, "Jesus.... New Israel", on next on LifePoint.

“Matthew: Back to the Beginning” 05.26.24

Do you hold onto and cling to the temple? With it's rules, regulations and the like? What is the temple? What did Christ come to do concerning the temple? What revolutionary thing did Jesus do and say concerning repentance and what about His baptism by John, the very last of the Old Testament prophets? ..... Learn, in a message that will set you free.... "Back to the Beginning", from the Gospel of Matthew...... on the next LifePoint.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

“Matthew: Herod…Echoes Within Us” 05.19.24

Who was Herod? Why did he do the horrible things he did? One reason was his priority was him and he put to death anything that threatened to take away his control of his life. We aren't Herod, but what do we do when something threatens to take control away from us in our lives? Are there echoes of him in us?....It's a revealing and soul provoking teaching that will bring positive change in your walk with Christ from the Book of Matthew, "Herod.... Echoes Within Us".....on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: Herod and the Wisemen” 05.12.24

The awareness of Jesus will always illicit a response. “Herod and the Wisemen” from the book of Matthew, on the next LifePoint.

“Matthew: More Than the Reason For the Season” 05.05.24

God's covenant to Abraham was faithful. It was not based on Israels righteousness, but God's faithfulness. The covenant was fulfilled over and over, ultimately through the Messiah, Jesus. God will fulfill His promises despite what we do. We can be certain of that and God delivering on His promises....... as we see in "Matthew: More Than the Reason For the Season", coming up on LifePoint.

“Matthew: A Tax Collector” 04.28.24

Pastor Don Knight begins an in-depth through the Bible look at the Book of Matthew. Matthew was a tax collector. The Jews of his day looked at tax collectors as outcasts and traders to their own people. Jesus looked at him different. See why that gives all of us hope to this day. Matthew also established Jesus rightful claim to the throne of David's Kingdom. Now.... "Matthew: A Tax Collector", on the next LifePoint".

“Jude: “Return, Restore Pt. 3” 04.07.24

How do you look at judgement day? What do you think you will be judged upon? But what does God base judgement on? What does He look at? Does it cause some fear and worry in you? We have good news.....God is good! Now, part 3 of "Return, Restore", on the next LifePoint.

“Easter…The Only Explanation” 03.31.24

Was the tomb really empty? Was there a motive to cover it up Christ's resurrection? What about the accounts of those of testimony were considered worthless in the day? What happened a few days later, despite Rome's and the Jew's efforts to squash it? The historic evidence of Easter and Christ's death and Resurrection as only the facts can reveal..... Now, "Easter... The Only Explanation", on the next LifePoint".

Jude: “Return, Restore Pt. 2” 03.24.24

We need to look at the day of judgement not as a day of retribution, but of restoration. How do you look at the Day of Judgement? What we be judged for? A look at Jesus's parable of the servants given bags of gold. What will we do with the gifts God has given you?..... Now, Part two of "Return, Restore", on the next LifePoint.

Jude: “Return, Restore” 03.17.24

Christ taught through many parables that no man knows the hour of His return and that we will all be judged. That's a terrifying thought for most and a stumbling block for some. What did the parables say and mean? What will we be judged upon and is God a big old deity just waiting to pounce on us? What did Jesus say? Let's find out in...... "Return, Restore" on the next, LifePoint.

Jude: “Canon, A Measuring Stick” 03.10.24

Today, Pastor Don Knight presents a "Don Talk" on the Canonization of the Holy Bible. How did we get the books and letters of the Bible we use? What was the process and measurement of choosing the scriptures? Are there letters that are left out? Why and how come? It's a fascinating study that ties into the book of Jude. Now..... "Canon, The Measuring Stick", one the next LifePoint.

Jude: “UFO’s and Stormy Seas” 03.03.24

What you believe sets the direction of your life. Are you believing truth, or searching for "shiny objects" from false teachers that attract your attention? Jude warns readers of his letter, that false prophets are like wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame, wandering stars, for whom the blackest darkness has been reserved forever...... Now, "UFO's and Stormy Seas" , on the next LifePoint.

Jude: “Empty Promises” 02.25.24

Are you struggling with life? Having trouble with life's pain? Jesus never promised us happiness? What does He promise? Another question does what we pursue have the ability to deliver on it's promises?.... Are you chasing "Empty Promises"? Find out on the next, LifePoint.

Jude: “Choosing Chaos” 02.18.24

Are you on a happiness quest? Meaning, that we want our preferences to make us comfortable. The danger is when our preferences interfere with Gods word or direction.....you reject Gods authority and mock God. When you reject Gods authority, you ultimately choose chaos in your life...... Now, "Choosing Chaos" from the book of Jude, on the next LifePoint.

Jude: “A Consuming Fire” 02.11.24

Sin has consequences. For Gods people. In the spirit world and for unbelievers. Gods fire is a fire that consumes all unrighteousness. It's a refining fire God uses in the life of a believer. It might not be fun to go through, but thank goodness it's there and shows us He love us.... Now explore. "A Consuming Fire", one the next LifePoint.

3rd John: “Hello, My Name Is…” 01.21.24

What's in a name? Plenty..... God has a name, Yahweh. When we are adopted by Him, our entire identity is in His name. Not ours. When you view yourself through the living relationship of the living Lord, Yahweh, God Almighty.... Your entire narrative about yourself changes. You no longer view yourself by your past, but to the future God promises His children..... Now, "Hello, My Name is....." from This John, on the next LifePoint.

3rd John: “A Good Report” 01.07.24

We judge other people by their actions. But we judge ourselves by our intentions, or give ourselves the benefit of our circumstances. We can also give grace to ourselves, while denying it to others. The more we focus on ourselves, the more distance we create between God and ourselves. Intimacy with The Truth is the true path to intimacy and a path to.... "A Good Report", coming up on the next LifePoint.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

3rd John: “Relationships Revisited - A Don Talk” 12.17.23

Everyone one of us have baggage. Negative behaviors from life's circumstances. Unfortunately these behaviors that were introduced, are reproduced. Every one of us has the opportunity to give that baggage and behaviors to the Lord. We have the opportunity to live a new. We do not have to imitate evil... instead, reproduce the behavior of the Lord in our life..... Now, "Relationships Revisited.... A Don Talk"..... on the next LifePoint.

3rd John: “Relationships Revisited Pt. 2” 12.10.23

When your passion for your preference becomes greater than your passion for people, you become prideful and that's a problem. Lessons from a church leader from the time of John, that applies to us today that applies today, concerning meekness and the body of Christ...... "Relationships Revisited Part Two", on the next LifePoint.

3 John: “Relationships Revisited” 12.03.23

Your identity in Christ..... How do you view yourself in Christ? What is your identity? How does identity drive your vocation and affect your relationships? How you view yourself determines what you do with yourself and your relationship with God..... Now "Relationships Revisited" from Third John, on the next LifePoint.

2 John: “Sent… or Went?” 11.12.23

Truth stands independent of our preference and our passions. Truth is facts. Not our feelings. False teachers go away from the church and Christ. They are not sent. Their teachings preach prosperity, but their words bring death.... Now, "Sent.... or Went", from Second John, on the next LifePoint.

2 John: “Truth Loves…Love” 11.05.23

The Apostle John shows us that Jesus, The Son of God, is Truth and in possesing the Truth, we must love. Truth and Love are intrinsically connected. Love is the only natural response to The Truth. If we have no "Truth" (Jesus), we have no Love.... Discover why "Truth Loves.... Love", in an insightful teaching from 2nd John, on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Emissaries Amongst the Enemy” 10.22.23

The sway by the evil one over the world should have no power over us. We should understand our worth and value as God's own children. How can we not let the world set the standard for us? Does the enemy have power over you and what are his tricks and lies? Learn why Jesus did not call us out of the world, but to be participants in it.... We are "Emissaries Amongst the Enemy", coming up on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Toil and Trouble” 10.15.23

We all sin. But those born of God do not do it continually. Satan desires you to spend your energy enslaved. Enslaved to the world and all it's offerings. To pursue things that never deliver upon it's promises... "To Toil and Trouble", coming up on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Additional Danger” 10.08.23

When you believe a lie about The Gospel, you create distance between you and Christ. Whenever we add elements you our faith, we elevate those elements over Christ......Beware of "Additional Danger", on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Made In My Image” 10.01.23

The strategy of freedom to overcome the world is to follow Christ's commandments and to believe in the actual Jesus. The strength of our faith is not found in faith, but in the object of our faith.... Jesus Christ. We reject Christ when we alter Christ..... "Made in My Image" from First John, on the next LifePoint.


1 John: “Relational Restrictions” 09.24.23

There is NO freedom without restrictions. Obedience to Gods Word is our path to overcoming the world.


1 John: “Creating Space” 09.17.23

Agape (Love) and Miseo (Hate) are two powerful forces, that one is a converging force and the other a diverging force. Both have equally powerful results for a believer. God speaks of us loving and not hating others...... yet, there's times when God hates. What's with that and is it ever approbate to hate? Can good come out of it? Find out, when we're...... "Creating Space" on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Love and Fear” 09.10.23

God doesn't just love... He is love.... Agape. If we confess Him, agree, His words speak to us and our nature should be of love. You align your life with with His commandments so fully. Pastor Don explores, "Love and Fear", out of First John on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “I Agree….To Speak” 09.03.23

Confess.... What does it really mean to confess that Jesus is the Son of God? What does confession require? What is at the heart of "true" confession? See how God's love, extended to us. initiates a response within us..... when " I Agree..... to Speak", on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “An Occasion of Worship” 08.27.23

Agape love. A pure, willful, sacrificial love that intentionally desires another highest good. That's exactly the character and being of our Heavenly Father. Why is it so important that we "Agape" one another? What's Gods reason behind it and why is it so important that we do it? ..... join us now for "An Occasion of Worship", from 1st John, on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Rooted in Love” 08.20.23

Are we rooted in love? What is primary in our life? What shouldn't be? Are we in love with Christ, or not? Are we in love with the world? You can't do both. Join us when Spencer Knight, Worship Pastor explores at 1 John Chapter 4 verse 5-11, coming up reon the next LifePoint.

1 John: “The Eyes of Love Look Outward” 07.23.23

Gods love for us has called us not to be observers, put participants in loving others. Our eyes of love should look outward for opportunities, not to just observe, but to engage.

1 John: “Eis Telos” 07.09.23

Eis Telos is Greek, meaning to the end - to the fullest extent. That's the kind of love God showed us. We are called to love one another to it's fullest extent of whatever love is capable. Your actions and words should always give life.

1 John: “Born Again” 07.09.23

1 John: “The Worthless Pursuit” 07.02.23

The point of the Gospel is not to pursue righteousness. The Gospel enables us to pursue righteousness.... "The Worthless Pursuit" from the letter of First John, on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Perverted Worship” 06.25.23

It's not that we've become immoral, or have bad behaviors. The problem is not that we perverted our morality.... the problem is that we have "Perverted Worship", on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Destination…Transformation” 06.18.23

What does it mean to Children of God..... a heir, adopted by God? It's not simply who you are, but what you've been given.... See what the marvelous gift of adoption by Christ is and the heir it makes us.... "Destination.... Transformation, coming up on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “I Am… His” 06.11.23

What do you identify as? ..... Is it something negative from the past.... like being an addict, a cheater, a failure, or a victim? Are you allowing it to identify you now, or what the world wants? Your identity is very powerful and drives the decisions that we make. What does God have to say about it? What identity does He give us?..... Find out with "I Am.... His " from First John, on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Rest…Receive” 06.04.23

What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul? What does it mean to "abide" and how do we do it? Who really is the Holy Spirit? What does He do when we are hurt, confused, questioning, doubting and when our lives crumble around us?.... It's time to "Rest..... Receive", coming up on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “To Abandon the Bride” 05.28.23

The Antichrist…. Who is he? Is he the person mentioned in the Book of Revelation, or something entirely different? What does the Apostle John teach the early believers about the Antichrist? It might not be what you expect….. “To Abandon The Bride”, on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “The Problem With Being Good” 05.21.23

Understanding the true battle with face. Our true adversary, Satan. Understanding his schemes. How does he fight against us? What is his goal and plan? How do we fight and battle him? ..... These questions and more are discussed in a very important message out of 1 John....... "The Problem With Being Good"..... coming up on the next LifePoint.

1 John: “Fathers,Young Men…Little Children” 05.14.23

Evil.....Who is Satan? What is his power? What is the intent of evil? Do you give the enemy more power than he actually possess? The enemy works hard at creating distance and separating us , our Heavenly Father and our relationships. We're in the battle for our lives. Where intimacy and reconciliation has occurred the enemy wants to kill, steal and destroy. How do we fight it? ..... Find out right now on the next LifePoint.

"1 John: Abide or Reside” 05.07.23

The Apostle John writes, "The one who says he is in the light and yet hates his brother is living in darkness".....Living in the Light. Abiding in Jesus. To live in the light is to live an exposed life and where we abide will have an impact on where someone resides.... Pastor Don explains in, "Abide or Reside" from 1st John, on the next LifePoint.

"1 John: New…Not New” 04.30.23

The amazing gift of proportion and how God bridged the distance between us and Him. We're not simply beyond His wrath, but now in His presence. Join us now in 1 John, "New....Not New".... on the next LifePoint.

"1 John: Lies in the Darkness” 04.23.23

The lies we tell ourselves are the greatest obstacles to the intimacy with God and others we desire.

"1 John: Complete Your Joy” 04.16.23

1st John, was the last of the letters written in the Bible, penned by the Apostle John, in and around 85-95 AD. He was the head of the church in the Ephesus. We begin this new study, as he writes to the church warning them about false teachers who were splitting the church. He encourages that our goal is never be reactionary to those against us, but that we should always be redemptive in our actions. Ultimately, winning them over to Christ. Something that was true then, and certainly now today in who we should react to others..... Now,. "Complete Your JoY', from 1st John, on the next LifePoint.

"Easter: The Only Explanation” 04.09.23

We all know the Easter story from what the Bible tells us. Christ death, burial and resurrection can be backed up by historical facts as well. What are they? Today, we dive into those facts and how, yes, we can believe what the Bible says, but also base our beliefs on the historical facts. It's an Easter message you'll want to see..... "Easter, The Only Explanation" on the next LifePoint.

2nd Peter: “Destruction with a CAPITAL D” 04.02.23

False prophets and the destruction it brings to them and how false beliefs can destroy us..... "Destruction with a CAPITAL D", on the next LifePoint.

2nd Peter: “The Judge…Will Judge” 03.26.23

False prophets and judgement explored from 2nd Peter Chapter 2.... "The Judge....Will Judge", on the next LifePoint.

New Thoughts on “New Stuff” Part #1 03.05.23

What is Heaven? Is it just setting on clouds, angels and playing on a harp? What did Jesus say Heaven was? What did John see in Revolulation and what did the Apostles teach? What about the New Jerusalem coming down? How should we view Heaven and concerning our life on earth now? Questions and life effecting thoughts are examined from the scriptures..... "New Thoughts on New Stuff: A Don Talk" Part 1, on the next LifePoint.

2nd Peter: “The Noise That Numbs” 02.26.23

The white noise that comes to the church from false prophets within is very loud. It teaches "Jesus and..." , elevating something along side of the words of Christ. When you pursue "Jesus and...." .....the "and" eventually becomes your priority. Numbing you to God's word for your life and Christ's sufferings....join us for "The Noise That Numbs", on the next LifePoint.

2nd Peter: “Mist Boasting of Rain Pt. 2” 02.19.23

What happens when someone who is growing in the faith decides to walk away when the thorns of life engulfs them? We all might know of a friend, family member or someone that this might of happen to...... Why do they walk away when thorns of worldly priorities and personal comfort set in? Jesus spoke about this and the Apostle Peter shares insight in...... "Mists Boasting of Rain Part Two", on the next LifePoint.

2nd Peter: “Mist Boasting of Rain” 02.12.23

The Apostle Peter had some harsh words for false teachers. He referred to them as "springs without water. Driven by a storm reserved for black darkness". False teachers in the church were evident in his day and ours too. How do you spot them? What do they pursue? What do they lack? ..... join us now for 2nd Peter, "Mists Boasting of Rain", on the nest LifePoint.

2nd Peter: “Grasping in the Dark” 02.05.23

What do you gravitate, elevate and grab onto to take you away from darkness, pain or lifes struggles? In the time of Peter, false prophets with prophetic utterances different than the Gospel were infecting the church offering a different way out of the darkness. Peter saw it…. and it’s still true today. What happens when we seek gifting other than what Christ wanting for us. Or following people or a way instead of the true light of the Gospel the Father has drawing us home?...... an insightful look at an age old issue, still relevant to us today, “Grasping in the Dark”…. on the next LifePoint.

2nd Peter: “Faithful Facts” 01.29.23

How do you defend your faith when you come across non-believers who challenge the validity of Jesus and the Bible? Do you simply say "I believe", or "It's in the Bible"? We as Christians are commanded to give account for the reason of our hope, and that reason is contained in hundreds of writings from ancient historians that have written about Jesus and events from His life. Learn what two famous ancient historians had to say, and why we should base our faith on historical facts too......Join us for "Faithful Facts"..... on the next LifePoint.

2nd Peter: “Living Out the Gospel Within Pt. 2” 01.15.23

Pastor Don continues in 2nd Peter looking at why Peter encourages us to pursue Christ and prioritize Him. The degree to which you prioritize a relationship always reveals the value you place on it. Even more important with our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

2nd Peter: “Living Out the Gospel Within” 01.08.23

If we want to partake in God's incredible gift of His divine nature, what must we do? What must we add to our life and what efforts must we take? Join us as we look at 2nd Peter: 4-7 in part 1 of "Living Out the Gospel Within", on the next LifePoint.

2nd Peter: “A Reminder to Remember” 01.01.23

We begin a study in the book of 2nd Peter. The persecution of the church has begun in Rome and the Apostle Peter knows many will perish including himself. During this time many of false prophet have arisen and like wolves are spreading false doctrine and lies to believers everywhere. We are most vulnerable to the influence of those who are like us.... Pastor Don sets the stage with "A Reminder to Remember", from the book of 2nd Peter..

Peter: “Living in the Spirit of Babylon” 12.18.22

Peter eluded to Babylon as he pined the end of first letter in Peter. "The Spirit of Babylon" was working in Daniel's day, as well as throughout history up to our present day. What exactly is it? What does the Spirit of Babylon represent? How does it affect the believer and what are it's strategies? What area's of your life have you accepted its counterfeits? Join us for a timely message for your walk with Christ and one that will affect the inheritance you pass down. Now ..... "Peter: Living in the Spirit of Babylon", on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Casting Cares” 12.11.22

Anxiety is at a pandemic rate in the United States. People are just stressed out. What does the Bible say about anxiety? What are the ways we can can be set free of it's paralyzing effects on the believer? How does the enemy use anxiety and what does the word say we are to do? Peter has a lot to say to the church who was going to face the biggest anxiety of all... death and persecution by Nero in Rome. Join us for an timely message that will set you free.... "Casting Cares", on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Called to Newness” 12.04.22

When Jesus Peter "Do you love me?", he was moving Peter being. a fisherman into becoming a shepherd. Peter was taught for three years by Jesus Himself, the great shepherd, but it was still a struggle for him at first. He eventually became a shepherd in some very trying times. What was Peter telling others about leadership? What does leadership look like? What are church leaders called to do? What is the quality leaders must demonstrate? Join us for "Peter: Called to Newness", on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Judgement First” 11.27.22

How do you respond when there are tests in your life? The desert times of our lives? Do you embrace them or push them away? Does God test us? Whats the reason? How should we respond to times of tests and sufferings? We continue in Peter with.... "Judgement First" on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Stewards of Grace” 11.20.22

It Pursuing the heart of Christ will always take us in the path of people. With that it can get messy at times because we all are people. What is the purpose of emotions? What is the most important gift God gave us and how are we to use it? What is grace all about? Join us for...."Stewards of Grace", as we continue in Peter, on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Conditional Service” 11.13.22

We've heard it many times, "love covers a multitude of sins". But what does it really mean? What about being hospitable to one another without complaint? What was the Apostle Peter actually meaning, especially with peoples brokenness in the light of Christ love for us? "Conditional Service".... on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Escaping the Trap”

(Don Talk)11.13.22

As the coming storm approaches, the Apostle Peter prepared the Christians living in Rome for the coming persecution. He wrote to them to be on alert at all times, praying that they may have the strength to escape all things to stand before the Son of Man. Why is it imperative that believers be of sound judgement, sober spirit, praying, and to be on alert? What was the trap they were facing and how does it impact us today? Find out in this engaging "Don Talk", ....."Peter: Escaping the Trap", on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “A Tempting Opportunity” 10.30.22

When you encounter temptations, we have a choice as a believer.... to give into our agenda, to pursue what we want. Or, as Peter says, we can trust Jesus Christ to put to death our fleshly desires, so we might be made alive in the Spirit. You''ll see that each opportunity of temptation is an opportunity to pursue our promised transformation. More is at stake in this moment of choice than you think.... it will set the corse of your entire life..... It's "A tempting Opportunity", on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Through the Storm” 10.23.22

How do you view storms in life that effect you? What kind of perspective do you view them through? Do you have an internal or earthly response? Life brings us all kinds of storms and Peter has much to say about it when he encouraged early Christians who were about to face horrible persecution from Nero.... "Peter: Though the Storm", on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Be Prepared” 10.16.22

Your perspective will always determine your response. What is perspective to a Christ follower? Why is it so important? We must live with the constant awareness of Heaven living in us. Do we view every interaction as an opportunity for a spiritual transaction, where we give God our agenda, and He gives us His heart? "Be Prepared"....on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Text in Context Part #2” 10.09.22

In light of Peter's instruction on how husbands and wives should interact and treat each other, a lot is riding on it. Especially in context of the culture of the day..... join us now for, Peter: Text in Context Part two, on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Text in Context” 10.02.22

Slavery..... devaluing people created in God's image. Using them as one's own profit center. It was accepted in both old and New Testament times. Peter spoke of it and how a Christian should relate. A look at his words in two contexts. #1- in the context of the days culture and #2 - in context of Christ. Why didn't the apostles just condemn slavery? Did they address it? How does it impact us today? Find out in, Peter: "Text in Context" , on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Guilty Martyrs Pt. 2” 09.25.22

What do we as Christians do when faced with leaders and government we don't agree with? What should our attitude be? Should we obey or resit? What should our reactions reflect? It's tough questions in an evil world that's turned upside down....The Second Book of Peter has plenty to say in how we should respond as Christ's ambassadors, it's a timely message.... part two of "Guilty Martyrs", on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Guilty Martyrs Pt. 1” 09.18.22

Submitting to authority. We look at the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in context. A German pastor who had to make some tough decisions about authority during the terrible reign of Adolph Hitler during World War Two. What does God require of us in response to authority? What is at stake? What is submission? How do we know when to disobey? How are we to respond to an evil government?

Peter: “Eternal Awareness” 09.11.22

We are a Royal Priesthood. A Holy Nation. Set aside for a specific purpose by God. What is that purpose? Why did God chose us? What should our response and behavior be for us who live with Heaven within us? Peter speaks living with "Eternal Awareness", on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Living Stones” 09.04.22

The cornerstone is the chief ingredient of a strong foundation. To the Christian, Christ is our "Cornerstone". He came to bear our weight. If only, we stay aligned with "the cornerstone" and do not wander away from His lines. What are they? How do we keep that reference point from shifting? How do we become "Living Stones"? .... that's the subject of the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Seek What Is Sweet” 08.28.22

There's your old nature and God's nature. It's a battle to the death between the two. You need to be prepared for this war. What will you feed your natures with? Will you feed it with malice, envy, deceit, hypocrisy and slander.... or will you feed it with obedience to Christ and the good things. The choice is yours. You decide the victor on who you decide to feed or starve..... "Seek what is Sweet", when we continue in First Peter, on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “The Truth in You” 08.21.22

The Truth, Logos, Jesus, became flesh so He could make an offer to us, His heart and nature. How you respond to "The Truth" will determine the course of your life.... you'll see why, when.we dive back into Peter for..... "The Truth in You", on the next LifePoint.

Peter: “Don’t Go Back” 08.14.22

Grace....We can't be casual about our pursuit of it. We should fight for grace. The price for for it was high. Christ dying for our sins. But why do we go back to the familiar that takes us out of grace? Even when the familiar wears shackles? The grace offered us gives us freedom from religion and rules. Why, would we ever go back to laws, rules and expectations that people can't meet? Peter has a lot to say from experience.... "Don't Go Back", on the next LifePoint.